Jeffrey Rickett

Jeff lives in Frederick, MD with his wife of over 30 years. He has two adult children and one grandson. Jeff presently serves as Lead Pastor at Neelsville Presbyterian Church, Germantown, MD. He also has served as a pastor at Grace Christian Church in Herndon, a church planter and co-pastor at City of Hope Church, […]

Headshot of Linda Neice

Linda Neice

Linda has lived in Montclair, Virginia for over ten years with her husband Jim. Together they have four children and five grandchildren and a lively Black Lab named Winston. As part of her husband’s Air Force career Linda has lived in many locations, including in England and Germany. She understands that there are times in life when we face an […]

John Lauber

John Lauber

Late in 2007, John invited his wife Phyllis and three kids along for a wild adventure to establish a private practice for biblical counseling in the greater DC area. As it turned out, Heart Song Counseling was founded, giving him a front row seat to witness God transform people’s hearts, lives, and relationships. Before this […]

Headshot for Donna Burke

Donna Burke

Donna believes in the power of the embodied love of Jesus Christ in the context of a safe and empathic relationship to bring about transformation in individual lives and relationships. She has been doing informal counseling and ministry to women since 2014, and counseling on staff with Heart Song since 2018. During these years, she […]