Headshot for Joey

Joey Tomassoni

Joey is not currently accepting new clients.

Joey is a pastor, missionary, and painter who has been living in the DC/Annapolis area his entire life. He completed a Church Planters Residency and was ordained through Bay Area Community Church which included core systematic theology classes with Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. He also holds an MFA from American University in painting and is currently completing his Masters in Applied Theology from the University of Oxford with a focus on a theology of beauty. He is a certified instructor with Academy Kintsugi and co-founded Seminary Without Walls which equips lay ministry leaders with basic theology in praxis.

Joey has over fifteen years of pastoral and counseling experience as he planted and pastored Downtown Hope Church from 2008-2022. He now serves with Downtown Hope as Pastor of Cultivation, and visionary of Estuary, a 501C3 that equips local churches to seek the flourishing of the places where they live, work, and play through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

With so much turmoil in the world, Joey is excited to offer his skills as a biblical counselor with Heartsong in a limited capacity. He is passionate about helping people work through difficult seasons of life by remembering their true identity through the gospel of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1).

Joey has been married to Katie since 2004 and they have four wonderful children, Sophia (18), Lucca (17), Giovanni (14) and Matteus (12). He enjoys date nights with Katie, fishing on the estuary with his boys, and Saturday morning trips to the bakery with Sophia.

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