Headshot for Angela

Angel Radford

Angel lives in her hometown of Brandon, FL with her husband Lee. They have two adult children. Before returning to Florida, she served in the local church and non-profit ministry for many years in the Atlanta area. In 2010, their family was called on an adventure to serve as missionaries to Guatemala for eight years. Upon returning to the US, Angel continued her work in non-profit ministry as well as discipleship and counseling relationships.

It is a privilege to walk alongside and bear witness to the pain and challenges of life and relationships. As she helps counselees explore their experiences, emotions, and thought processes, Angel finds great joy in using the Word of God to bring hope and healing. Her 15+ years of experience in local church ministry, non-profit ministry, and international missions has uniquely equipped her with experience and compassion for ministry-related hurt and fatigue.

Angel has a BS in Psychology from Palm Beach Atlantic University and a MA in Community Counseling from Georgia State University. She has a Diploma in Christian Counseling from Richmont Graduate University. As a life-long learner, she is continuing her education with certifications for Biblical Counseling at Christian Counseling and Education Foundation.

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